God Loves A Rebel

Although one might not expect God to love those who rebel against society, I was excited to receive his message yesterday. While enjoying a family trip to peaceful Grayson County, VA I first noticed his message while witnessing a tree growing out of a rock.

Who has ever expected a mighty oak tree to grow and stand tall in a rock vs. from the ground? This was just the first look at his message. As I prayed for God to give direction to HIS beloved, this morning he once again reminded me of the story in Ezra (Chapters 4-5) about the rebellious builders of Judah who set out to build the temple of the Lord in Jerusalem.  Though everyone, including Chancellor Rehum, ordered that the build of this temple be ceased, rebellions like Judah and Benjamin continued to keep the dream alive by rebelling against society.

Despite the temple not being built until the rise of Zerubbabel, HIS rebellious team believed in their calling and did what it took to fulfill HIS plan despite what society thought or did to them.

For many years, I have tried so hard to “fit in”, but I am ready to stand out and be one of “HIS rebellious”.  Are you with me?